Fam. Spögler, Tenuta Larcherhof

La cultura vinicola altoatesina trova la sua espressione più viva nelle nostre pregiate produzione dal carattere unico. I Viticoltori indipendenti lavorano in totale autonomia, dalla vigna alla vendita.

Esplora l'assortimento vario e individuale
nei negozi agricoli delle nostre cantine.

„Viticoltori indipendenti dell’Alto Adige – diversi come le nostre terre! Produciamo vini autentici, nobili e di carattere individuale: dalla vite al bicchiere. “

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di tua scelta

Una giornata ideale per un’escursione all’insegna della natura e del piacere? Visitate un’azienda vinicola e scoprite la bellezza del paesaggio culturale altoatesino, ne rimarrete conquistati.

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  • Photo from @freieweinbauernsuedtirol on Instagram on freieweinbauernsuedtirol at 3/28/23 at 5:26PM

    Exciting @prowein_tradefair days are behind us, characterized by great people, interesting conversations, fantastic wines and extraordinary tastings: we Independent Winegrowers South Tyrol were delighted to see many well-known and also some new faces at the @altoadigewines stand and hope to have left a lasting impression in Düsseldorf. But after the Prowein is before the @vinitalyofficial and this weekend the spring wine fairs continue in Verona. Stop by!
    #freieweinbauernsüdtirol #vignaiolialtoadige #altoadigewines #prowein #winefairtime #siamofivi

  • Photo from @freieweinbauernsuedtirol on Instagram on freieweinbauernsuedtirol at 5/14/23 at 5:53PM

    The Indipendent Winegrowers of South Tyrol have heralded a new era: at the general assembly a few days ago, not only the generational change was completed, but for the first time in its history, a woman is president of this association. Magdalena Pratzner forms the new management team with her deputy Hannes Andergassen, which is supported by ten administrative and supervisory board members.
    #freieweinbauernsüdtirol #vignaiolialtoadige #altoadigewines #siamofivi

  • Photo from @freieweinbauernsuedtirol on Instagram on freieweinbauernsuedtirol at 4/1/23 at 3:56PM

    We have started counting the countdown - just one more sleep until Vinitaly 2023: the suitcases are packed, the stands are set up and the fridges of the Independent Winegrowers South Tyrol are filled with many exciting wines. We are really looking forward to hopefully meeting many of you at the fair in Verona starting Sunday. Who would like to taste and toast with us? Come by in hall 6, where many of our winegrowers are exhibiting and some member wineries are also represented at the organization's stand.
     #freieweinbauernsüdtirol #vignaiolialtoadige #siamofivi #altoadigewines #vinitaly

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