Wine sale
Possibility of tasting
Max.15 persons
Vineyard area:5 ha

Gumphof is situated on the southern slopes of Eisacktal/Valle Isarco at an altitude of 350-550 metres. On vineyards of 5 hectares, Marcus Prackwieser produces the Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon, Gewürztraminer, Vernatsch and Pinot Noir varieties. At the age of 28, the winegrower started to press his grapes himself. Prackwieser found the freedom he needed to develop his own ideas on the unique slopes. Today the wines from Gumphof are generating enthusiasm nationally and internationally. To obtain the best estate-bottled wine the grapes are selectively harvested at Gumphof, specifically for the selection wines Praesulis. These wines are named after Schloss Prösels/Castello di Presule and are characterised by complexity, flavour, length and mineral notes. The classic varieties, on the other hand, delight with their crisp, fruity and vivid note and their fine finish.

Assortment wines

DOP · Praesulis


DOP · Praesulis

DOP · Praesulis